Managing up as a project manager: The what, the how and the why
As project managers, we’re the glue that holds timelines, teams, and (often) the collective sanity of an organization together. Whether it’s a large company with specialized project managers for each project or a smaller company where the project manager handles everything project related, managing your team is only half the battle. Effective project management also involves the often-overlooked skill of “managing up”—proactively keeping leadership informed, aligned, and engaged. Knowing how to manage up effectively can make all the difference between a well-oiled medical device project and one that clanks along,…
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How to get the most out of your remote teams as a project manager
According to Upwork, by 2025, an estimated 32.6 million Americans will be working remotely, which equates to about 22% of the workforce. This continuous shift towards remote work and remote teams presents unique challenges and opportunities for medical device companies and their project managers. In this article, we discuss actionable strategies for getting the most out of your remote teams, drawn from our interview with Courtney Jones, a seasoned project manager at Rebiotix, a Ferring Company. Let’s dive in. Strategy #1 to get the most out of your remote teams:…
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How to foster cross-departmental communication in medical device companies
If you have ever worked in a medium or large size company, you know how the communication process can sometimes resemble a high-stakes game of ‘telephone’ where the message gets lost in translation. Different departments often continue in silo mode and don’t have very open communication with other departments. It doesn’t take a project management expert to realize how damaging that is for your projects and the company as a whole. So what do you do to break down these silos and foster cross-departmental communication? To complete a project on…
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Leveraging ChatGPT for Risk Management in Medical Device companies.
The second in our AI for risk management–beginners series, this article will talk about leveraging ChatGPT for Risk Management in Medical Device companies in conjunction with traditional risk management tools. Allow me to preface this by saying our focus with these articles is on making risk management slightly easier for project managers and medical device companies. That’s why we will only touch upon AI techniques that don’t require expert-level ChatGPT skills. The best and simplest AI technique is to ask questions. In all of our experiments with GPT4, our first…
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How not to screw up getting your medical device to market on time.
Our clients have shared with us the most important questions they have regarding project management. The first one is, how do we make sure we get the medical device to market on time? That’s clearly our client’s number one priority, as medical device development (for products to sell) drives a medical device company’s top line in years to come. When a project is delayed, it can remove the product from the market completely as it may already be obsolete due to evolving market needs and advancements by competitors. When writing…
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How to become a top-level medical device project manager
A project manager can make or break your medical device project. They are responsible for ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget while meeting all the necessary quality and regulatory requirements. Without a top-level medical device project manager, the project can quickly get off track. At Waddell Group, excellence is not just a standard; it’s a necessity. We only work with top-level project managers. Here’s what sets them apart from others in their field: A track record of at least five successful projects under their belt. …
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Our New Year Gift To You
As we approach 2024, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude for your continued support and readership. It has been an incredible journey, and we are thrilled to have you as a part of it. As a token of our appreciation, we wanted to offer you a special gift – a year-end wrap-up blog post that highlights our top ten blog posts from the previous year. We hope that this compilation will help you gain predictable success will all your medical device projects. Top 10 blog posts…
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What to Do When Your Medical Device Project Falls Behind Schedule
Looming deadlines, anxious stakeholders, high pressure. Even if the project is going well, a medical device project manager is familiar with this. So what happens when that project falls behind schedule? What if, despite everything you have done to avoid project delay, your medical device shows no signs of reaching the market on time? What do you do then? We have two words for you: Proactive action. Let’s explore the steps you can take when your medical device project falls behind schedule. 1. Start by conducting a GAP Analysis To…
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Why is it better to have a project manager with experience in medical device development
When you have a GI tract issue, do you go to a gastroenterologist or a general practitioner? If you want to handle a property dispute, would you go to a real estate attorney or a general practice attorney? Now, think about your medical device project. If you want a project manager for it, would you prefer a typical project manager or a project manager with experience in the medical device industry? The math is simple. If you want the best service, you need to go to people who specialize in…
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Cost-Effective Strategies for Developing Medical Devices
Many companies make this mistake when it comes to cost-effective strategies for developing medical devices. The mistake; thinking cost-effective strategies equal cost-cutting. Or at least include cost-cutting. This is not necessarily the case. Sometimes, cost-cutting is the last thing you should do when it comes to medical device development. This article discusses some cost-effective development strategies that may seem counterintuitive. However, we have spent 20 years trying and testing these strategies in the medical device industry with great success. We can assure you they work. Cost-Effective Strategies for Developing Medical…
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